By Celeste Bonham, Founder of Uro Concepts Inc.
A few years ago, I gave a presentation of our patented urinary leg bag holder to the urological department at UCLA. The presentation went well, and feedback was very positive. (One comment: “Why didn’t I think of that?”) A staff urology doctor, specializing in nephrostomy, stayed behind to talk with me and asked, “What about nephrostomy patients? Can this leg bag holder be modified to accommodate a person who uses a nephrostomy?” I responded, “Probably, but what is a nephrostomy?”
He then educated me about the nephrostomy drainage system and explained that the catheter is inserted through the back of the patient to drain the urine directly from the kidney. He said that there was not a good system and his patients deserved a better quality of life.
Grandpa can happily cuddle his baby granddaughter without fear of leg bag mishaps.
After some research, I realized that the solution was merely a simple buttonhole placement in the undergarment, above the leg bag, which directed the tubing down into the pouch to attach to the leg bag. By having a buttonhole on each leg of the undergarment, our product now accommodates a left, right or bi-lateral nephrostomy.
The URO Urinary Suspensory System can accommodate two drainage bags in the undergarment’s interior pockets.
Urinary Leg bag Holder Opens New Possibilities
Somewhere in this section, insert a stock image of a 40 to 50-year-old woman outside.
We now have nephrostomy patients in the US, Canada and UK using our leg bag holder! I have received emails from persons with a nephrostomy stating that, after using our patented leg bag holder, they now can travel, go to the store, have lunch with their grandchildren, etc. I get tears in my eyes just thinking how a small buttonhole can change a person’s life!
This scenario from a Canadian woman who discovered and began using our leg bag holder is what I have come to expect when I open my email:
A woman calmly assumes the lotus pose. No leg bag concerns here!
“I am a 46-year-old woman who now lives with a nephrostomy on my right side. I lost my left kidney and almost lost my right due to vascular surgery in my legs,” she shared. “My right kidney was saved by a stent and all was fine until the stent that was put in was damaged either prior to or during placement.”
“When the nephrostomy was put in, I became extremely depressed for I am very self-conscious of this bag of urine. Like your father, straps created circulation problems in my right leg. I am very excited that I found your product and thank you for giving me a glimmer of hope that I, once again, will have a semi-normal life. Since my surgery, I can count on one hand the number of times I have left the house. Now I can leave the house more and even travel. Thank you again.”
Lose the Leg Straps with the URO Urinary Suspensory System
Our new, patented URO Suspensory System was developed with the same attention and consideration for nephrostomy patients as it has for all urinary catheter users. This system protects the user with:
No uncomfortable leg straps!
No breakdown of skin due to abrasive leg straps.
No constriction of circulation to lower leg due to the leg straps (a.k.a. tourniquets).
Our URO Urinary Suspensory System is an “All-In-One” product consisting of:
a comfortable, unisex undergarment with inside pockets to securely hold the drainage bags,
two 600 ml vinyl leg bags, and
two 6” tubing to connect to a condom catheter.
I want this product to broaden the horizons of catheter users everywhere. Uro Concepts Inc. has partnered with a number of excellent distributors to offer our new URO Urinary Suspensory System. The product is being set up in the various distribution centers across the US.
URO Urinary Suspensory System is Medicare-approved (HCPCS #A5105) at one per month. Click here to find a distributor.