David Wagner
“The comfort and support I achieve with this product is perfect for my active lifestyle.”
2004, 2008, 2012 & 2016 Paralympic Games
Won Silver Medal – Quad Singles Tennis
Won Gold Medal – Quad Doubles Tennis
Click here to learn more about David Wagner.
"We can use this undergarment for our patients in the nursing home and also use it when driving them to a doctor's appointment."
(RN in nursing home)
"I don't have to wear diapers anymore."
(Post prostate patient)
"I can use this when I travel."
(Non-ambulatory in wheelchair)
“I will never use leg straps again!”
(A man, suffering from diabetes, developed open ulcers on his legs caused by the leg straps rubbing against his leg and breaking down the skin. After using Better Pantä for only four days, his open ulcers on his leg had almost healed due to ointment on the ulcers and not having continued abrasion caused by the leg straps. )
"My Dad doesn't just like them he LOVE'S them!"
"I don't know how people live without them…no other product comes close."
"He loves the freedom and security it provides…so happy not to have to contend with straps."
"After the initial trial order, my husband would not leave home until the reorder had arrived."
"Your product is truly better. I find that a latex bag stands up in the pocket pretty well but a disposable plastic bag tends to settle down as the weight of urine increases."
"I wanted to let you know that a good friend gave me your product following my surgery 2 weeks ago for vesicovaginal fistula repair. I am 37 years old and the discomfort and embarrassment of wearing the catheter during the recovery process is awful. I tried the pants and I just love them!! "
"Congratulations on a truly creative and helpful product. Was recently introduced to, and am now using with enthusiasm the product. I am ambulatory, sometimes quite vigorously on a farm, despite which I have a neurogenic bladder from an old spine injury. I am a retired physician who took care of many patients with incontinence problems."
"My Dad is 85 and those leg bag straps are driving him crazy. He also has to sit through dialysis three days a week and that catheter system just depressed him more and more. So I was thrilled to find your product!"
"My Dad said anyone that is in the situation like him and has to have a catheter 24/7 or for any amount of time is crazy if they don't have your product. Just wanted to give a BIG thumbs up on such a great invention!"